Chardey Austin # Y50771
Logan Correctional Center
P O Box 1000
Lincoln IL 62656 USA
Chardey Austin
Hello, How Are You? My name is Chardey but everyone calls me Daee or A’karii...I am 30 years old and have under 2 years left on my prison sentence.
I am currently serving time for intent to deliver and possession of a firearm. I used to deal drugs. But that is my past. I do not have any plans to re-live that lifestyle.
Currently I am preparing myself for re-entry and I am doing so by expanding my knowledge and putting together a legitimate Hustle upon my return home. I have to be successful because I cannot make the same mistakes.
I have a 12-year-old daughter awaiting my return and she's praying that I be a better woman/mother. I cherish and love my daughter. She is my Hero, she is my Everything. I am a Cancer so I am an emotional creature. I love hard and am loyal. I love the Sunnies and especially the sunsets. I love to drive, make money, travel and eat. Independence well independent is what I strive to be.
I am looking for someone to care for both me and my daughter. Someone gentle yet dominant. Someone that's understanding and attentive. Someone who has goals to be successful.
I love to read. I only read leadership books, business, History, maybe Anatomy.. I love to learn. I am currently teaching myself Spanish and learning the Real Estate Field. I own 3 properties all of which I've worked hard to obtain.
Daily I read my Bible and Quran. I am practicing Islamic. I also read the dictionary and thesaurus daily. They are like my Bible as well. A God fearing partner is what I need. I do date both men and women but I prefer men. I am a very transparent woman. You can ask me anything and I will be completely honest. My life was like a whirlwind but I plan to change all of that.
If you are interested in making my life better/easier for me than write me.
I will write back. Add me on GTL to email me. JPay--GTL–Western Union is the only way to send me currency.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hopefully you can be my knight and Shining Armor
One & only
Sex Male |
DOB 06/30/1994 |
Seeking Women, Men, Donations |
Race African American |
Conviction Possession w/Intent to Deliver, Firearms |
Release 04/30/2026 |
Ad Start: 11-14-2024
Ad Expiration: 11-14-2025