Type of ad - Personal / Basic

Ad Start Date 06-11-15 Ad Expiration Date 06-11-16

Site Search Info

Sex - Male

DOB - 02/02/70

Seeking - Friends, Donations

Race - African

Religion -

Convicted Of - Murder

Release Date - 05/21/28

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Dear Servants of God,

Heartfelt greetings to you in the risen name of our Lord Savior Jesus is my prayer that my letter finds you in good health. I thank God for granting me this opportunity to communicate with you for the very first time through this medium.

To briefly introduce myself to you, my full names are Martine Andrew Kaluma, aged 30 years, a male prisoner serving 20 years imprisonment with hard labor.

My main point of writing this letter to you is because of the pain of rejection that I'm suffering from. 99% of my relatives and friends have rejected it because I'm a prisoner. This pain has been troubling me from the time I entered prison up to date.

So the time I came across to your address I believe that the issue of being rejected is a thing of the past. It is because of the above mentioned reason that I'm on my knees seeking for your help. Regardless of their sex ages, everyone who is interested is welcome. Fo now I end here.

I will be waiting to hear from yu.

My God Bless you all.

Yours, in Christ Jesus
Martine Andrew Kaluba

Peacewell Mweemba Zyuumba
Maximum Security Prison
P O Box 80915 Kabwe
Zambis, Central African

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