Dennis Roy Peterson
Dennis Roy Peterson # P-92157
Mule Creek State Prison - C-11-139Low
P O Box 409060
Ione   CA   956404   USA
Hi, I am Dennis Peterson. I am looking for a companion.  I’ve been in prison 21 yrs - 26 to life for drugs, third strike.  I am in Ione, CA, Mule Creek Prison.  I have a parole hearing 3/24/21.  I expect a release date July 2021.  It’s a tentative date.  I’ve had two visits in 21 yrs.  Both by mom, who passed away 11-13-20. I haven’t corresponded with anyone else.  I failed at all relationships, committed a lot of crime except no murder.

I’ve turned my life around with hundreds of hours of rehabilitation programs.  I am a new man today.  I am caring, loving and honest with morals and values, integrity, always doing what is right.  I have empathy.   Putting myself in the shoes of all victims.  I understand their physical emotional and financial pain caused by being victimized.

I am looking for a companion who is stable in life to share the rest of our lives together, who wants all my attention and doesn’t mind a lot of affection.  I’ve been in prison with a lot of making up to do with one last women.  I am 66, white, male, coming out of prison with the clothes on my back, a few hundred dollars and a 2008 car.  I am no superman or anything special, just me.  I had a long time to think and understand the correct way to treat a relationship. Respect, care, love and honesty.  I have a few medical problems nothing bad.  I would like to get clear choice implant teeth.  I have goals and plans to get in to the coffee business.  I want a companion who understands that I changed my life and will not judge my past life or crimes and take me for the new man I’ve become, who believes in second chances and feels they connect with my situation.  If you are that person, please write from where ever you are and once off parole, I am willing to relocate and start a new life with you, as a friend and companion with a lot of intimacy and love.

Sincerely, Dennis

Christian Beliefs
Sales of Cocaine,
Third Strike
Release Date
07/2021 (tentatively)
Ad Start: 02-18-21
Ad Expiration:  02-18-22