First and foremost, may I be the first person on this big, blue planet to thank you for opening up your eyes today. Small things do lead to big things (smile).

Hello, I’m Kevin here with a million dollars’ worth of concrete and steel the, Hotel California. Average man from the bay area (Berkeley) born free, divine, strong, uncrushable by fate, society or hell itself. A child of life equal of all the bounties of life. As my riches now are kindness and goodness. I always envision much more to life, not knowing my freedom and glory one day would be like an old R&B love song. (It was just my imagination) Feel me!

Now could you envision yourself getting to know me! Being a friend to a man that fell. This could be and unbelievable sequence rare and wonderful. Yes, you’re out in the world with infinity of choices, make one now (smile).  My life is a struggle, a beautiful struggle.

Goal: Be a better person, get out of prison. Give back to the universe.

Likes: the arts, good food, good people, long talks, sincerely looking forward.

Imagine how much I haven’t said.

Kevin Clarke


Kevin E Clarke # F06015
P O Box 29
Chowchilla   CA   93610   USA
Kevin E Clarke
African American
Felony Murder
Release Date
Serving A Life Sentence
Ad Start:   11-25-21
Ad Expiration:  11-25-22
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