Michael Romano
Michael Romano # 424176
Cheshire Correctional Institution
900 Highland Ave
Cheshire   CT   06410   USA
46 year old hetero, white (Italian/German), male, divorced twice (10/14) with 2 boys 11 & 12, 5'9", 188lbs, 2BA Psychology/Anthropology, MSc Physics/Chemistry/Archaeological Science, EMT - 10+ years NYC.

Seeking:  BORN FEMALE, status/age/height/weight all unimportant, college education/degree/brains very important, 4 penpals, friends, perhaps more.  MUST be empathetic, compassionate, open minded, understanding.  Stability, structure, simplicity, bubbly/zest, cheerful, peaceful, tranquil, and unrivaled sense of humor absolutely necessary.  Unnecessary but preferred, rural, bucolic, pastoral, down home country, ride or die, pickup truck/motorcycle/horseback riding gal to help each other's forlorn loneliness/uplift one another.  NOT seeking $ or toxic stress, games, negativity.  Astrology?  No Leos, I'm Virgo.

I lean, but not hardcore, 40% conservative republican, 35% independent, 25% conservative democrat, 100% common sense, ALWAYS open to/respectful of other perspectives/conversations.  Abortion, gun rights/safety, LGBTQIAPP+, religion/spirituality:  ask, if you must/dare :)

Likes:  Rodeo/PBR/WCRA, NASCAR/Indy/F1/E1/NHRA, hockey NYR, baseball NYY, football NYG, soccer SUmcNYCFCwBMvBARCApsg.

Music: country, rock, 80's, 70's/Disco, 60's, 60's/DooWap, Grunge/Alt 90's.

Movies:  Westerns, noir, foreign, indie, classics, JHughes, Spielberg, Lucas, Tarantino.

TV:  NLear, MTM, DVD, 50's - 80's.

Hobbies:  Hunting/fishing responsibily/respectfully, archery, hiking, camping, biking, boating, anything outside, lake over ocean beaches.

Future dreams:  own an equine therapy ranch/farm and non-profit horse rescue.

What else:  I'd be considered an "old fashioned toxic male"  these days as a mix of Archie Bunker ( - bigotry ), Eastwood, Elliot, Marvin, Wayne, Connery, Redford, Newman, Sheldon Cooper, eclectic, eh?

DOC:  Case@Habeas 03/28/24.  Wrongfully convicted, still fighting, caught up in middle of #MeToo.  Female testified assault, no evidence but her testimony.  #SexualAbuseHoax #FalseSexualViolence #MENtoo.  Please allow benefit/doubt before judging.  Will answer ALL questions honestly.  Prison employed $0.75 cents/DAY!

4 email:  securustech.net, signup 4 "exchange messages".  May need JPay account but pay no $!!  ALL FREE!

Ad Start: 07-13-2023
Ad Expiration:  07-13-2024
53a-70(a)2: SA1
Release Date
Not counting good time or Parole