As Salaamu Alaikum

My name is Kenneth Brown. I'm a Sunni Muslim From New Haven, CT. I'm 37 yrs. old, no children, loving, caring, understanding, a gentleman, very romantic and militant at the same time. I'm 5’ 11, 170 pounds.

I'm looking for a Sunni Muslim woman no matter what color you are, who speaks fluent Arabic and English. Arabic as her first language. In her 30s or early 40s with no children. A short beautiful Muslim who's 4’ 11 or no taller than 5’1 in height.

I'm a clean man with no STD/HIV and I have medical papers to show that fact. A Sunni Muslim from Connecticut or anywhere from the state of New York. A Muslim who’s beautiful on the inside and the outside.

I get out of jail in July, if you're interested please send me your pictures and your phone number so I'll be able to reach you. If you get this letter after July call me at (203) 909-7496 and ask for Kenny.

My name is Kenneth Brown #326008, 391 Shaker Rd, Enfield, CT 06082, Cybulski, C.I.

K. Brown
Write back soon.


Kenneth Brown # 326008
Cybulski Correctional Institution
391 Shaker Road
Enfield   CT   06082   USA
Kenneth Brown
African American
Robbery 2
Release Date
Ad Start:  06-22-2023
Ad Expiration:  06-22-2024
Basic Ad