Devanta Battle
First thing first, it's evident that I'm trapped between bars and razor wire; however, I plot no evil, nor deception.

I'm merely in search of a companion. I wholeheartedly want nothing more than for you to understand my words, so they will ultimately penetrate deep inside your mind, travel to your heart, then corral your soul.

I'm searching for the beauty to my beast, a Queen to stand beside her King. I don't want to play but I'm in your court. You are the star and I can be your mate. Give me a chance and I promise you will grow to love me and that's facts!!!

I'm in search of that special someone that can put a smile on my face. That special someone that's able to take my mind away from these four walls. A woman that has patience. I want to be a combination of things to you. Like cool aid to sugar, ham to burger, or eggs to cheese. Ha! Ha! Let me stop but being serious though. I want "us" to know each other inside out and dealing with me I'm like pages to a book. Every page contains a number, a message to a story. As you gently stroke those pages with your fingers, you will realize that I'm different from most and like most books we are different. I refer to myself like pages of a book.

I promise to make you smile and laugh and make you want to continue reading more. My book "Me" I am special as you are special too. I'm willing to feel, flip, and read the pages of your book "you" as well if you're willing to give me a chance. You definitely own the decision.

Peace and blessings
I'll be waiting for you.
Devanta Battle # 1621385
Bertie Correctional Institution
P O Box 129  
Windsor, NC 27983 USA
Women, Donations
African American
Attempt 1st° Murder
Release Date
Ad Start: 08-20-20
Ad Expiration:08-20-21